History of Choy Lee Fut
Interesting history of the most combative Chinese martial art
Choy Lee Fut (Cantonese) or Cai Li Fo (Mandarin) 蔡李佛, is a Chinese martial art founded in 1836 by Chan Heung (陳享). Choy Lee Fut was named after the Buddhist monk Choy Fook 蔡褔 (Cai Fu) who taught him Choy Gar, Li Yau-San 李友山 who taught him Li Gar, and his uncle Chan Yuen-Wu 陳遠護 who taught him Fut Gar , in honor of Buddha after which the art was named.
Cheung Hung Sing did not forget his old teacher, and he went to King Mui to share the new knowledge. In this way, both Chan Heung and Cheung decide to simplify their knowledge into a single style, which they baptized in 1850, with the name of Choy Li Fut in honor of the styles of their teachers:
Choy Gar's "Choy", taught first by Choy Fook and then in depth by Hung Sing (Chan Heung's disciple) to Chan Heung, his third and last teacher.
"Li" from Li Gar, taught by Li Yau-San to Chan Heung, his second teacher.
"Fut" of Buddha or Buddhism (Fut means that) and also by Fut Gar, taught by Chan Yuen-Wu to Chan Heung, his uncle and first teacher.
The system combines various martial arts techniques from North and South China; the fist and arm techniques of southern Shaolin, and the circular movements and footwork that characterizes the martial arts of northern China. It is considered an external style, combining soft and hard techniques, as well as incorporating a wide range of weapons as part of its curriculum. Choy Li Fut is an effective self-defense system, especially it stands out for defending against multiple attackers. It contains a wide variety of techniques, including short and long range strikes, kicks and sweeps, pressure point, and joint locks.
According to Bruce Lee:
"The Choy Li Fut style is the most effective system I have seen for fighting more than one person. It is one of the styles that is most difficult to attack and defend against. Choy Li Fut students were the only ones who traveled to Thailand to fight Thai boxers and they were not defeated."